March 30, 2010

* Dancing with the Manta

I was diving on March 28th in manta point; Penida island. customers so happy cause met with many manta, and have chance to dancing with them. This dive site be in the back of the island, and need two fortune when you want to dive there. The first one, you could get the location ( depend of the water condition ) and the second one you could see the manta, cause if not, you only see rock and sands. When you compare the price of this dive site with other, you will be surprised cause this dive site the most expensive one and this happened cause the operational cost so high, especially petrol for the boat. That's why normally dive center have minimum persons to go there, but don't leave Bali if you are not diving in this dive site yet.


  1. Wows it's veri beautiful.. thanks for your share

  2. Bli, gue kan kalau ke Bali pasti sendirian ..kalau gitu pasti gak bisa pergi sana donk..kan ada minimum person nya ... :-(

  3. Wah bagus nih sob...

    Salam kenal n sukses selalu...

    Oh ya anda sudah saya follow..follow balik ya??hehe...

