February 25, 2011

* Makassar Divers

To all my friends who live in Makassar or those who are there on holiday plans, now had a chance to do fun dive or want to take dive course in Makassar, because it has been opened one dive center "Makassar Divers".

This company aims to develop sport diving in Makassar considering the natural potential of under water around Makassar appropriate for recreational diving and diving courses. Based on this "Makassar Divers" has become the first SSI Dice Center there. As SSI Dive Center certainly has met the applicable standards and procedures for SSI as a world organization for recreational diving training.

According to the owner of the dive center that is also my friend, this company has scuba gear, tanks and the air compressor those are brand new and well maintained and also has experienced instructor and office location with convenient access to the beach. All these facilities are expected to attract people of Makassar in the development of diving in this area so in the long term will be marine tourism destination and help local tourism business. This area has several small island with an interesting dive sites. There are some who are famous among experienced divers like Samalona, Kodengareng keke, Lanyukan, kapoposang and other.

All these are certainly very encouraging for me, considering I grew up and study in this area. Now I have a chance to dive there. Congratulations, good luck and do not forget to invite me to dive there.


  1. ini sangat bagus satu dan memberikan informasi mendalam. terima kasih

  2. sungguh sangat berarti dan sangat bermakna...
